This year we have a special holiday to celebrate – “Twosday” is Tuesday, 2/22/22 and it’s coming up soon! If you’re like me, you’ll take any reason for a little extra fun with your students! 🙋

You can grab this book all about Two of Everything on Amazon in time for Tuesday, Feb. 22 here. It’s the perfect read – aloud for the day and practices counting by twos and things that come in pairs.
One of our favorites with any special celebration is making a crown! Grab it here for FREE to use with your class!

Here’s a quick list of ideas for you to celebrate Twosday:
✌️Count by 2’s exercises
Do jumping jacks, toe touches, one foot hops and more with your class for some movement and counting fun! Say every other exercise aloud as you count by 2’s to 22!
✌️Count by 2’s with Heidi Songs Dance Break
This quick dance break is perfect for little learners to count by 2’s and get moving in between activities! This is one of our class favorites to practice counting.
Kids will cut, unscramble, and glue the letters in order to spell “two” as they count the pairs of items on every page. This is perfect for guided reading or a whole group reading activity. Grab the Emergent reader on sale here.

✌️Dress Up with Tutus and Ties
Invite students to dress up for the day! Kids could wear tutus, ties, or even crazy socks! Grab this free note included in the Twosday FREEBIE pack.

There’s so many fun Twosday activities! Grab the free pack here to get started!
I’d love to see how you celebrate! Tag me on Instagram @kindershenanigans if you try any of these for Tuesday!
Pin these for later!